Hey everyone, hope your July 4th weekend was fun despite the bad weather! It’s that time again where I tell you about the fun I’m having cooped up in my cave typing away! This week I am still feeling like I need a vacation so let’s talk about how I’m powerlifting bronze sculptures instead! Who needs a gym membership with this job am I right? Maybe I’ll start looking like some of these statues one day. So, on that note, let’s get into bronzes! My favorite sculptures to work with are mainly depictions of Greek and Roman gods because I make identifying the subjects into a game! Sometimes its easy, and other times I am left still not knowing who they are. Luckily for me, I got to work on some Roman and Greek god inspired works right off the bat coming in from vacation. We have the elegant Demeter in in a diaphanous dress clinging to her every curve, Mercury (or Hermes if that is your preference) with his iconic winged feet and helmet propelled by the North Wind, and the most iconic figure: Fortuna. She has been portrayed through many different mediums, some of which that have been present in our auctions, but how can you identify Fortuna among other beautiful sculptures of elegant women? Well one big give away is what she is perched upon! The bronze sculpture we currently have features Fortuna standing on a wheel, other renditions you may find her on a ball, but this is a big clue as to whom you are looking at. The wheel in this case represents the uncertainty of fortune or quite literally the wheel of fortune.  Other times, you may find Fortuna blindfolded symbolizing blind luck (which is pretty on the nose if you ask me), holding a cornucopia for abundance, or holding a rudder as the controller of destinies. An important thing to remember if you are in market for your very own Fortuna make sure to pay attention to her symbols, if she is holding a scale, it is not Fortuna but instead Lady Justice. Fortuna is the embodiment of luck and fortune in all forms, good or bad but it cannot hurt taking her home with you! That’s my little sprinkling of knowledge for today, happy Fortuna hunting and good luck!