With the rising popularity of internet shopping and online auctions, society has become increasingly confident with technology and the virtual marketplace. Digital platforms have gotten better with product descriptions, photographs, and even secure payment options. In 2023, it has never been easier to bulk up our collections without leaving the comfort of our homes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing and I love it! I do plenty of my own bidding from my couch, but this article is here to remind you about the importance of previewing an auction (or an item) in person before placing your bids (if given the opportunity).

Previewing an auction gives you the chance to get up close and personal with the items available. Whether it is art, comic books, furniture, clothes, toys, or jewelry there is a big benefit letting your five senses investigate. Sure, you can see photos online, but are your color and brightness settings correct on your screen? Were the color and brightness settings correct on the camera that took the photos? Truth is that the only way to guarantee what you see is to see it for yourself! Even scent is important for textiles like clothing and furniture – you never know where somethings been until you’ve smelled it!

Previewing in person also allows you to get better acquainted with the establishment and the people working the auction. Sometimes you just know when something feels legit – or doesn’t. First impressions, overall impressions, and lingering impressions all matter! Introduce yourself and ask questions, get to know the people running the show. They’ll probably be happy to meet you too!

Now that I’ve reminded you about the benefits of previewing, let me give you some advice on what to bring to an auction preview. Some items I never forget are a loop to see fine details and small print, a tape measure for any measurements I may need, a pen and paper for any notes I have, and of course my cell phone, so I can research on the spot any random fact to make an educated decision. It might seem like a lot to carry around, but if these items help me make smart buying choices they are certainly worth the extra baggage!

Depending on the auction and the auction house, previews may be open or require an appointment, and can span anywhere from a few days or a few hours before the auction begins. Make sure you read the details in each auction description to know where you need to be and when, ready to research, bid, and win!