Hello everyone and welcome back! This week we are doing something a little different because this month is home to Inspire Your Heart with Art Day! So, instead of being over educational or picking one art style or artist group to focus on I just want to talk about one thing: art.

It’s not even an exaggeration when I say art affects you in everyday life, there is no way to avoid it and that itself is such a beautiful thing that reflects not only the human experience, but also our ingenuity. We are surrounded by the glaringly obvious works of art that we see in magazines, television, and home décor, but also in the common objects we use every day.

The utensils we use to cook and eat food were meticulously designed by someone, even the plastic containers that hold our microwave dinners on days we are too lazy to cook were carefully crafted for their purpose. Food itself is both art in presentation and experience. Whether watching a cooking show, or recreating a recipe that looks delicious online, it’s all based on visual appeal.

Nature is also beautiful, whether it is flowers in a garden or how the sky looks just before it rains; Although it can be argued buildings ruin the view, they were drafted by architects who incorporated artistic elements into each structure’s design. City skylines during sunset have a magical glow, and at night from a distance, they look like well-lit carnivals for giants.

Words in themselves are also art, both in how they sound on the page, but also in their composition. The shapes we associate with words and sounds have their own personal flare and I’m sure everyone has a favorite letter – mine is Q because it comes in so many fun shapes! Even different alphabets contain their own beauty whether Cyrillic, Hebrew, Greek, Hangul, Japanese, Armenian, or Chinese. Each character is an artform crafted in a unique way that is never the same when handwritten.

Art is everywhere. This Inspire Your Heart With Art Day (January 31st), relish in the little things and admire the beauty because every day is a work of art. Go to a museum to appreciate the past and present of our ever-changing society; go outside and marvel at the sky; and even if it’s just a stick figure – create some art today!