Hey everyone, Bec here again with another behind the scenes look at what goes on with your antiques! We have already briefly covered how items are researched and how time consuming it can be, again thanks so much for all your patience if we cannot squeeze something in, but what happens when the item does not preform as well as we originally thought? Here are some things that will happen! If during research the item in question does not perform as we initially believed, we may not be able to sell it in our estate auction. If that is the case, it will be put aside for our Discovery Auction where it will eventually get sold. What if you do not want it to be sold in a discovery auction and you just want your item back? No problem! You can always tell the appraisers that if it cannot be sold in the estate auction that you would like it back, or if you are unsure, let us know so Mary the Gallery Manager can send you an email letting you know that your item has been moved to Discovery. But what happens if the item has been put into an estate auction, but passed? Again, have no fear! If the item passes in two estate auctions, then Mary can upon request send you an email letting you know that your item has passed and will be demoted so you can decide if you want to take it back or let it go to discovery. In the case that it sold but went unpaid, we will reallocate it for the next auction. Much like passed items, if it does not sell after that it may be put into a discovery auction but once again, if you wish to be alerted, we can certainly do that! If you bring something in do not care where it goes, and you just want your item sold that’s fine too! Just let us know and we can put your items in the proper auction without having to alert you if you choose. We strive here at Bruneau & Co. to be as accurate as possible when appraising but want to be transparent that markets fluctuate and sometimes that means having to allocate your items between two different types of auctions. If you are bringing in items to be appraised or to be sold just alert the appraisers that you would like to be notified if your items are not put into estate! We will do our best to make sure you know! If you have any questions, just ask the appraisers when you come in! We are always here to help and I hope that (for once) this was helpful information!