There is always going to be stuff in your life that is truly priceless for sentimental reasons. Regardless of it being worth ten dollars or ten thousand you are never going to get rid of it. But if you’re a collector, one of the first things that is best to understand is everything is replaceable. Now obviously if you collect original artwork or unique one-of-a-kind items your exact something or other you might not be able to get back, but always something by the same artist or manufacturer. This rule is really well suited for those in the world of collectibles as in comics, toys, trading cards, figurines etc. The type of item where you can easily replace the same item back in your collection. These markets can be volatile and have recently experienced a major price hike due to the pandemic earlier this year. Especially when it comes to Modern comics, trading cards, and 1980’s and 1990’s toys. The market has already slightly dipped compared to six months ago but is still vastly different compared to a pre COVID world. For example, pre-pandemic Amazing Spider-Man #252 in CGC graded 9.6 condition was a $150.00 to $200.00 comic, now it’s a $500.00 comic. Six months ago, it had sold for as high as $885.00. Still higher than before, but definitely headed in a downward direction.

So, keep this in mind when it comes to managing your own collection. You might have a comic you paid $150.00 for you might be able to get $500.00 or more for now. If you want it again you can always buy it back. The saying never changes buy low, sell high, then repeat. But when it comes to selling your collection, it is always in your best interest to work on a consignment basis than selling outright. That way it’s a team effort and the best possible result for the day is achieved.