Watch Joel Bohy participate with the Lexington Historical Society and Mr. Douglas Scott in the discussion about John Robbins and his wound on Lexington Green.
After the smoke cleared on the evening of April 19th, the town of Lexington mourned its dead, who continue to be memorialized in our history. However, others who participated in the battle that morning survived, some of them enduring injuries that plagued them for the rest of their lives. View a presentation by historic arms expert Joel Bohy and archaeologist Dr. Douglas D. Scott as they discuss the struggles of John Robbins, a soldier in Captain John Parker’s militia company. Robbins sustained horrific injuries in the battle, rendering him “truly Pitiable being unable to Contribute any thing to the Support of a wife a five small Children.” Who was this man? How extensive were his injuries? And was he ever able to receive a pension? (Pulled directly from Lexington Historical Society YouTube Description).